Honor Ceremony in memory of sergeant john w o’neil

The Minneapolis Police Honor Guard and Color Guard Foundation had the privilege of supporting the Minneapolis Police Cadet Class 2019-1 as it honored the memory of Sergeant John W. O’Neil who was killed in the line of duty on June 7, 1944.

The cadet class wanted to honor Sergeant O’Neil because he died one day after the D-Day invasion and they thought that his sacrifice may not have been adequately recognized at the time due to the understandable focus on the turning point in the war.

The honor ceremony was held at Fort Snelling on December 3.  The cadet class began the ceremony with a 5K Memorial Run.  As they ran, they held aloft a standard bearing Sergeant O’Neil’s name.

When they returned from the run, the cadet class stood to attention as Officer Steve Laux read aloud the story of Sergeant O’Neil and then took the roll call.  Each of the cadets responded as their name was called.  Sergeant O’Neil’s name was the last to be called and, after a moment of silence, Taps was played.

For the cadets and the Foundation, it was a deeply meaningful experience to have Sergeant O’Neil’s  daughter and grandchildren and a great grandchild and other family members present at the service.  They travelled from Portland and Chicago and the metro area to attend.  We are grateful to them and extend them our heartfelt best wishes. 

The cadet class presented the family a rare photograph of Sergeant O’Neil from 1944 that they had found in their research of him.  On behalf of the cadet class, the Foundation presented the family a plaque honoring the memory of Sergeant O’Neil.   

After a coffee and conversation hour, the family was invited to watch one of the cadet training scenarios.  The evening ended on a warm and positive note with many stories shared and new friends made.

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