congratulations to honor guard member sergeant rick doll

At the Special Olympics Minnesota Distinguished Service Awards Ceremony on September 14th, Honor Guard Member Sergeant Rick Doll received the Law Enforcement Torch Run Hall of Fame Award for his work with Special Olympics Minnesota.  

This award is given to people who bring Special Olympics Minnesota to new levels and who demonstrate unwavering leadership in the development of its mission.   

Sergeant Doll has led the Minneapolis Polar Plunge as law enforcement leader since its inception in 2007.  

Sergeant Doll has helped raise over $9 million, recruited 35,000 participants and involved more than 100,000 spectators over the eleven year history of the Minneapolis Polar Plunge. This event has helped create tremendous media awareness of Special Olympics Minnesota both locally and nationally, all under Sergeant Doll’s guidance

Additionally, Sergeant Doll has dedicated endless time, energy and resources to Special Olympics Minnesota by hosting Tip-a-Cop events, selling t-shirts, volunteering at competitions, participating in the Unified Relay Across America, and recruiting other law enforcement officers to volunteer their time.  

Sergeant Doll is an integral part of Special Olympics Minnesota.

We are proud of him and we congratulate him on his well-deserved award.

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